This time of year is not usually my favorite. It is cold, the scenery is gray and bleak, you have to lug around your coats everywhere, there aren't many places to go to get the kids out of the house, and the list goes on and on. At the top of my list (in Olympic years) is the fact that my husband leaves me for a whole month to go to some far off place to work. I was lucky enough to go with him to Torino back in 2006, but that was a treat!

Me at the Ladies Short Program. I literally got off my train after having traveled a day and half and went to the venue. Just in time!

Charlie and I in fair (and foggy) Verona after the Olympics were over.
Last time he did this it was Bejing, the time before that, Greece, and the list goes on and on. This is now his 6th Olympics to work and although I am glad it is just in Vancouver, he is still going to be gone for a month. So I have decided, that rather than wallow in pity for myself...I am going to make this month a great month. It is going to be a busy one. Here is what is on the calendar:
1.)I have some AXO alumnae commitments
2.) I am planning the Valentine's party for my daughter's Kindergarten class
3.) I am working (and holding down the fort) at Le Petit Hameau (my in-law's shop) while they go on a buying trip to Europe for 2 weeks
4.) I am going to try and get Sarah to all her activities, play dates, and birthday parties
5.) On Valentine's day, Sarah is going to go with me to see Romeo and Juliet at the Texas Ballet Theater. I know it is going to be a little deep for her, but maybe she will just focus on the costumes and the music and not ask a bunch of storyline questions!
So it will be busy. On top of all that, I am also going to try and start eating in a new way. In a nutshell, my new way is to be eating better. Not really a diet, but just to really think about what it is I am eating and if it is healthy for me. I am going to try some vegetarian recipes which is a little scary for me. I have this longing to be a vegetarian. Although I think it will never become a reality for me, I think it is the smartest eating habit. Not only is it the best for you, but it is good for our planet. I just have a hard time diving in to it b/c I am not a real big vegetable lover. So I am going to try some things. I am going to make myself try things like veggie burgers, recipes that call for soy milk instead of regular milk, and I am going to try to make a salad at home that really does taste like one I would get at a restaurant. I know to some, my ideas are very beginner, but that is what I am. I am taking those baby steps to healthier eating. If anyone reading this has any wonderful recipes to share with me, please pass along. I will tell you upfront, I am not a mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower, or butternut squash lover, so recipes that don't revolve around those few things would be great!
If I make anything or try a new recipe that I have found that is super great, I will share! This is the perfect time to do this because my husband would be like "What are you making?", "We are having what tonight?", "I am not eating that!". This is my time while I am cooking for one to give it a test run.
My friend Holly over at
504 Main blogs about this type of thing from time to time, so check her blog out if you are interested, too. After reading her blog, I have been inspired to really search into this topic a little more.
Ate my last girl scout cookie last night. Looking forward to making "healthy" cookies instead!